Within my circle of acquaintances we had children at a similar time. For me it was always clear that our offspring would go to the crèche and then to kindergarten. For us it was always clear. But to my great surprise, not all thought that way. Despite emancipation and the professional activity that is becoming more and more important for women, there were some people in the environment who thought it would be better to stay at home for 3 years. Per child! How come?
Crèche – is it a curse or a blessing?
I talked to such families and had the experience that two categories prevailed there:
Highly emotional mothers who were simply afraid for their children. They were weighed down by a guilty conscience and the thought that they were abandoning their child. On the other hand, there were fathers who pretended to be modern, but in reality had the attitude that the woman belongs at the hearth and should take care of the children in the first years. They absolutely need their mothers.
In the following years, we were able to make excellent comparisons and see the differences. My conclusion was: the little ones should definitely go to a crèche.
Why children should definitely go to a crèche
My little one went to nursery when he was about 9 months old. At that time, he could barely move on the floor. He settled in well and played nicely with the other children. There were also 2-3 year olds in the group. All the time he could watch them and learn from them. In addition, the teachers took good care of them. They were constantly practising new songs, learning poems, etc. They played with building blocks, went to the playground, made the funniest things. When they were about 2 years old, they formed their first friendships.
It was clear to us: we could not offer such varied entertainment at home. After a short time it became clear that the crèche children were far ahead of those at home. They could wield scissors, work with a paintbrush, glue, fold – you name it. Moreover, they had learned that there are rules in a group that everyone has to abide by. There were also some differences in social skills. Crèche children were clearly more independent and not only fixated on one parent.
All in all, I think it was very good that our son was in the crèche. At the age of 3, he was already able to do so much and developed into a lovely and socially acceptable little person. We have definitely not regretted it.